Three decades and still evolving...

Olympia Marble founders Leo and Andrew Stefadouros were fascinated by stone from a very young age. The materials, its uses and capabilities captivated them, which inspired their desire to learn the stonemason trade.

The brothers enlisted the help of an experienced stonemason, an immigrant in Australia. As their relationship prospered, the business minded individuals soon went into business together. After a while their mentor retired and left Australia. The new company Olympia Marble was built from scratch and originally operated from a small factory in Marrickville.

The business guarantees:

Quality Marble Stones
Professional Craftmanship
Unique Designs
Durable Materials
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Evolving over 30+ years

Due to the company’s ever-growing success at becoming the leading monumental masonry in the Greater Sydney region, the company had to relocate to a larger factory. The business is now operating in their current location at 1-3 Chalder St, Marrickville.

Expanding their capabilities

The company started as a monumental masonry company, constructing thousands of cemetery monuments throughout NSW and further Australian states. Now, Olympia Marble has expanded into the construction of vaults and other building works for cemeteries.

One of the companies proudest accomplishments is the construction of the the largest vault in ESMP (Botany Cemetery). Enquire with the team today to find out more about other notable works.